OPBSI’s 34th National Convention: July 20 – July 23, 2023.
It is with GREAT EXCITEMENT we inform you registration is NOW open for our 2023 Virtual National Convention. Join us to learn what the future of OPBSI holds as we celebrate Women Rising to Thrive. Tell your LS, ME, Spec, Fave, Chapter sisters…they won’t want to miss out. Lets create memories and appreciate all that we have accomplished individually and collectively!
Feel free to send an email to President@omegaphibeta.org if you have anything specific
you’d like to add to making our National Convention a success.
2023 National Convention Itinerary
DAY 1: Thursday, July 20, 2023, 7:00pm – 10:00pm EST
- I. Neo Seminar (7:00pm-8:30pm)
- II. NST Stroll Clinic (8:30pm-10:00pm)
DAY 2: Friday, July 21, 2023, 10:00am – 9:30pm EST
- I. Business Meeting Day 1 Part 1 (10:00am-12:00pm)
- II. LUNCH BREAK (12:00pm-12:30pm)
- III. Business Meeting Day 1 Part 2 (12:30pm-2:00pm)
- V. NEAC Voting (2:00pm-5:00pm)
- Session 1: (2:00pm-3:30pm)
- Session 2: Region 1 (Optional), Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5, Region 6 (Optional), Region 7 and Region 9 (3:30pm – 4:15pm)
- Session 3: Region 8, Region 10 & Region 11 (4:15pm – 5:00pm)
- IV. DINNER BREAK (5:00pm-6:00pm)
- VI. Founder’s Event (8:00pm-9:30pm)
DAY 3: Saturday, July 22, 2023, 12:00pm – Midnight EST
- I. Business Meeting Day 2 (12:00pm-2:30pm)
- II. LUNCH BREAK (2:30pm-3:00pm)
- III. Workshops (3:00pm-4:00pm)
- IV. Lifetime Ceremony (7:00pm-7:30pm)
- V. Banquet (7:45pm-Midnight)
DAY 4: Sunday, July 23, 2023, 10:00am – 5:30pm EST
- I. Community Service (in-person) (10:00am-2:00pm)
- II. MECW (Postponed – TBD as Vice President of Membership is working on a new on-demand version for MECW)